This test allows you to see a spectrum of color combinations with a color of your choice. The spectrum is sorted into groups which pass or fail the color contrast tests specified in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) versions 1 and 2.

Values to Test

Table of color combinations which pass the WCAG 2 color contrast test with #777777
Color TestedContrast SamplesLuminosity Ratio
#000000#777777 #0000004.69:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#00000f#777777 #00000f4.66:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#00001e#777777 #00001e4.6:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#00002d#777777 #00002d4.52:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#0f0000#777777 #0f00004.6:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#0f000f#777777 #0f000f4.57:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)
#0f001e#777777 #0f001e4.51:1 Passes Luminosity Ratio Test (Level 1)


  • Ke-Huan “Jedi” Lin — Traditional Chinese (Jedi Blog)
  • Carlos Alfonso — Portuguese (No web site provided.)
  • Aurélien Levy — French (fairytells)
  • Marjolein Katsma — Dutch (Marjolein Katsma)

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