Invite ticket purchasers to make a donation to your organization at purchase! If you’re a non-profit organization and you run events, a barrier to online donations is the need for multiple purchases! Add donations into your ticket sales process and increase your donor support today!
Site Owners
1-3 sites
4-10 sites
Unlimited sites
Combine the donation and ticketing process and increase your giving!
My Tickets is a great tool for benefit events, concerts, and theater performances. Because your customers are already making a purchase, you know that they support you – there’s no better time to ask for their continuing support!
This add-on to My Tickets adds a field for your users to add a donation to their ticket purchase. Add the `{donation}` template tag to your email templates to send donors confirmation of their donation. The value of the donation is added to Receipts and sales reports. My Tickets will generate a separate report showing the donations you’ve received over any period of time.