Not particularly on the subject of search marketing, but interesting nonetheless!
DailyLit is a very simple service which allows individuals to sign up and receive serialized versions of literary classics in their email. (Literary classics in the public domain, at any rate.)
It sounds intriguing – the thought of receiving Dickens in serialized format makes me feel like I’m jumping backwards in time to read Bentley’s Miscellany or some such vehicle for serialized literature.
It seems like creating immediacy in media is the most common use of modern technology – it’s refreshing to see a site which is using technology to stretch an experience out, instead. For myself, it’s easy to sit down and read for hours on end – so I don’t do it frequently. I’d lose myself in a good book and fail to get a tiny bit of work done. DailyLit suggests the possibility of controlling those habits!
Joe Dolson
I’m finding the snippets short enough that two or three a day is pretty good – their site says 5 minutes, but I’m finding more like 1 or 2 minutes for a snippet.
It’s working, so far!
allan wallace
Another way to get a break is always welcome. Total immersion in a project can cause me to lose track of time, and reality.
I’ll check them out.