So I’ve been very quiet here frequently. Few articles, few comments on recent news, and only the occasional update to my WordPress plugins. However, I haven’t been entirely silent on the web accessibility front!
My latest article New Accessibility Guidelines: A Welcomed Update was published yesterday (and I totally failed to make note of it here) at Practical eCommerce magazine. This is part one of a four part series reviewing each of the four guiding principles as described in WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0.
But I do have things in mind to be published here as well, so I hope not to be this quiet for too long.
I think I need to hire a web developer to make these desired changes in my website..
I am a part time web developer and now want to switch myself to Web2.0 Application Development, i was searching some stuff about Web2.0, Social Media, Social networking and Blogs, by passing Google Search i came acroos your website which has excellent resources of Web2.0 and e-Marketing.
To be honest Joe, very few websites offer varying text size on the website to make it more accessible to variety of users. Point well taken!