Well, I’m currently on a trip into the Northeast – spending a little time in Rochester, NY to complete the long process of moving to Saint Paul. Rochester was my home for two years prior to moving to Vienna – and it’s still the home to about 350 cubic feet of my possessions. It’ll be nice to see them again!
Unfortunately, there’s too much chaos in the trip to be able to do any driving around the rest of the Northeast – really unfortunate, since I’ve come to know a number of people out this way. But Rochester just isn’t actually all that close to much…
At any rate, although this is a working trip – I probably won’t have the luxury for a lot of posting in addition to keeping up with other projects. But you never really know! Inspiration and free time could strike at the same time…
Joe Dolson
Hey, that’s cool! Glad to know it! Thanks for the greeting, sup!
Hey Joe, just wanted to let you know that you’ve got at least one faithful reader in Rochester. Keep up the good work!