The latest in my monthly column on accessibility at Practical eCommerce magazine is now available: Web Accessibility and the Law.
Although I’m not a lawyer, I do pay some attention to the nature of legal issues surrounding web accessibility. They’re murky, but this article attempts to shed some light on how the law covers accessibility issues on the internet.
Hope you’re able to get some value out of the article!
Thank you for your detailed response. And for bringing this issue to light for many of us who hadn’t considered it. I’ll be more aware in future.
Joe Dolson
Not much, to be frank. Especially as long as there’s no active law requiring accessibility in commerce within the United States, the primary targets will be large companies. Not because they have deeper pockets, however — because winning a case against a major online figure sends a stronger message.
Even initiating a case against a small player online would send the wrong message, since the bearer of the suit would be perceived as a bully. Taking a case against a major web site is far more likely.
Speaking to your direct question – a blogger marketing an affiliate product or two – it’s relatively unlikly any issues would be posed at all. The biggest problems online tend to be associated with the sales process, not with product information. As long as you’ve provided information in text, affiliate marketing passes the bulk of the accessibility burden over to the ultimate seller.
As the owner of several (very) small websites, this article concerns me. First, I wouldn’t have a clue how to make my sites accessible, which tells me I’d better look into the resource cited. I wonder, though, if lawsuits would target the small entrepreneur or the companies with perceived deep pockets. What sort of threat do you believe exists for a blogger marketing an affiliate product or two?
Posts like yours should be mass-distributed so that every single person who’s even thinking about starting e-commercing has it right at hand. Congratulations!
Excellent article! Anyone interested in e-commerce should read this article. Very clear!
I totally agree with Jenny. I’m starting a new online venture and e-commerce is a big part of it. This article has really caught my attention!
Excellent article. Thank’s for sharing it with us! The example situation it includes really deserves everybody’s attention.