Somehow, I’m never fully satisfied when I’m posting notification about a new column elsewhere and see that my last post was also a notification about a column elsewhere. It becomes clearly evident to me that my posting frequently here at Accessible Web Design has gone down a bit.
Granted, I was on vacation for a big chunk of the last four weeks, so we’ll call that an excuse.
The new column is Accessibility and the Checkout Process, summarizing a few of the key issues to be aware of when you’re trying to make sure that people with disabilities can get through your store — and succeed with your ultimate ecommerce goal.
I like the points you made on this article I know I can apply to my own business right away – Nice points that I should be aware of when I setup a checkout page of my own.
Good point about cart abandonment, other things can cause this too, like hidden costs that are not announced until checkout, or high shipping charges that are not mentioned until the last moment…