Category: Google

Stopping Google from Indexing Your Site

July 13, 2007

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Topics: Google.

All right, this may not be precisely your main goal online. Nonetheless, there are many web sites out there which give the distinct impression that this was they’re specific purpose in creation. Yet there are, for what it’s worth, very valid reasons to block pages some times. The trick is to make sure you’re only blocking the right documents. One of the yet-to-come interesting features for stopping Google is the unavailable_after meta tag, announced by Google’s Director of Crawl Systems, […]

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NoFollow in the News

February 17, 2007

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Topics: Google.

The “nofollow” microformat, intended for use to indicate to search engines that you don’t want this link to be followed, has been the subject of quite a few interesting posts recently. On the one hand, there’s Loren Baker’s 13 Reasons why NoFollow Sucks: The NoFollow link attribute (rel=”nofollow”) was originally created to block search engines from following links in blog comments, due to the amount of blog comment spamming. The theory is that if spammers are spamming in blog comments […]

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Investigations into Google Privacy

January 24, 2007

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Topics: Google, Privacy.

Google Privacy is not a fancy new Google service. (Nice idea – personalized privacy management of your Google Account – I like it.) Nonetheless, doesn’t exist. The privacy of your information at Google is the subject of an investigation by the Norwegian Data inspectorate, along with privacy concerns at several other Norwegian search engines. This organization is attempting to answer a few specific questions, according to Well…maybe specific isn’t quite the right word, actually. The quote from the Pandia […]

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Copyright and Google Book Search

January 10, 2007

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Topics: Google.

Question: does reprinting and republication in a new format give the publisher rights to control the use of a public domain work? Answer: not under current copyright law! But Google would like it to. In their Google Book Search, they’ve included text placing restrictions on use of the books which they’re making available. It’s not necessarily legal: but what is written can frequently be accepted as law by any user without knowledge of the laws surrounding copyright. Philipp Lenssen is […]

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Leverage Google’s Sitemaps for Your Business

December 19, 2006

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Topics: Google.

I read questions about Google’s Sitemaps pretty regularly. Generally, they follow this general shape: “Should I use Google’s Sitemaps to get my site indexed/improve my rankings/escape the sandbox?” My answer is pretty much always the same: No. To put it simply, most people are just asking the wrong question. The value of Google’s Webmaster Central resources, and particularly the Sitemap protocol (which is now an accepted shared format for Google, Yahoo! and Live,) is information. There are no automatic benefits […]

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