is a site with a mission. Founded by accessible web designer Mike Cherim, the site honors the best of accessible web design. Accessites accepts submissions of sites for review and meticulously separates the best sites for awards. Since the founding of the site in late December of 2005, 179 sites have been submitted and 35 have received awards – with a backlog of only 16 pending sites.
The way Accessites operates is through a panel of accessible developers who review each site. Every site submitted will be initially checked, and any sites with a chance of success will then go forward to a pair of graders. For more information about the award guidelines, check out their criteria.
It’s a great project – and I’m extremely honored to have been invited to serve as a site grader. I know that Accessites requires very high standards of their awarded projects; and I just hope I can live up to these expectations!
(You may see some edits to this site in the next few weeks, as I frantically make sure I’m "up to scratch!")
Mike Cherim
We have complete confidence in you Joe. You definitely know your accessibility. 🙂