Yesterday morning, one of my fellow WP Accessibility Day organizers pinged me with the message that they hoped that Studio 24’s decision to drop WordPress because of accessibility flaws would lead to a new version of WP focused on accessibility improvements. My first reaction, predictably enough, was: Who is Studio 24, and why should I care? Because, frankly, I saw that comment and had no idea what it was about or why I should care. On exploring the topic, and […]
Continue reading “The W3C Drops WordPress from Consideration” »Category: Web standards
Accessibility is Equality
I’ve long felt that accessibility is conceptually simple, and technically difficult. I’ve believed that if you can convey the fundamental concept of digital accessibility to somebody, everything else can be extrapolated from principles. That doesn’t mean that somebody would conform to accessibility guidelines at any level based on this. Reaching for accessibility by application of principles doesn’t necessarily yield the same result as what you’ll find in accessibility guidelines, but – in principle – should still encourage a sound interpretation […]
Continue reading “Accessibility is Equality” »Taking over
Mike Cherim and Jonathan Fenocchi, creators of the GrayBit service for showing a site design converted into grayscale, needed to move on. The time and expense of maintaining GrayBit was too much – and since Mike Cherim has moved out of the web development and accessibility world, it was necessary to make some changes. They recently shut down, not having received any word that anybody wanted to take the site over. I was too late to save the domain, […]
Continue reading “Taking over” »Introduction to Web Semantics
Style is important. There is no debate around the proposition that people want a website that looks good. This is for a very good reason – an attractive website will draw in your customers, build their confidence in what you can provide for them, and keep them engaged with your website. But a great website can’t just look pretty. You can create a gorgeous website with nothing but a single large image. This can be beautiful graphic design – but […]
Continue reading “Introduction to Web Semantics” »The case of the missing alt
Jennifer Sutton brought this interesting factoid to my attention today: the single most common HTML (HyperText Markup Language) validation error is the missing alt attribute. Of the 100 most common validation errors collected by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Love, a missing alt attribute comes it at number one — with almost double the occurrences of the next most common error. It’s 2012, and the key mistakes in HTML seem to remain the same. Now, one can’t help but hope […]
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attribute.” »