I may have a low threshold for managing information, but I find that with seven plug-ins in the WordPress repository it’s a struggle to keep my local information on those plug-ins always up to date. I have a page here about each plug-in, and it’s not uncommon that I’ll publish an update and go to check my local information just to find that my own page on that plug-in is six months out of date…
One way to keep that information nicely in sync is to actually import it directly from the WordPress plug-in repository’s information API (Application Programming Interface). The API documentation is available, if you want to roll your own, but here’s a very basic bit of code to grab it yourself.
Creating a shortcode in WordPress is crazy-easy:
add_shortcode( 'plugin', 'get_plugin' );
function get_plugin( $atts ) {
), $atts));
if ( $slug ) return show_plugin_info( $slug );
Woo hoo! You have a shortcode. This shortcode takes one attribute, “slug”, which will be the plug-in slug as seen in the repository. Now, technically speaking, what you have right now is a fatal error, because we haven’t actually defined the ‘show_plugin_info’ function. Fair enough — let’s do that.
function show_plugin_info( $slug ) {
$body = (object) array( 'slug' => $slug );
$post_data = array('action' => 'plugin_information', 'request' => serialize($body));
$return = wp_remote_post( 'http://api.wordpress.org/plugins/info/1.0/', array( 'body' => $post_data ) );
$plugin = unserialize($return['body']);
$return = "
<p>Current Version: $plugin->version<br />
Requires: $plugin->requires<br />
Tested to: $plugin->tested<br />
Downloads: ".number_format($plugin->downloaded)."<br />
Last updated: $plugin->last_updated</p>";
return $return . wpautop($plugin->sections['description']);
This is a pretty simple bit of scripting -- and, practically speaking, it's customized to show what I actually do on my own site. You may not want to even use this much code!
I'm using the WordPress wrapper for http
requests to get the data -- this is much more reliable than using something like cURL
or fopen
, because the wrapper will query whatever transport is actually available, rather than depending on the specific wrapper you've defined.
The API is looking for very simple information -- just the slug for the plug-in, and the knowledge that we're accessing the plugin_information API.
With that, we retrieve an object containing all the basic information for the plug-in, largely drawn from the plug-in's readme.txt file. I've only chosen to incorporate a few fields into my site - but you can also grab several other fields this way. These fields are detailed at Dion's API information site, so I won't repeat them here.
This is a very basic shortcode -- simply place [plugin slug='wp-accessibility']
in your post or page and you'll get all the information about the plug-in you referenced.
Not sure how many other people are likely to find this useful...but for my purposes, it's pretty handy.
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