Category: Web Development

Hover Color Contrast Bookmarklet

January 18, 2024

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Topics: Accessibility, Web Development.

This past weekend, I was looking at a WordPress trac ticket about hover color contrast in the admin. One of the things that was frustrating about this ticket is the amount of labor expected in testing – because accessibility tools mostly test the page as is. It’s certainly possible to implement automated tooling that can look at all of that, but introducing a whole new suite of tests to WordPress core was outside of my area of expertise. But a […]

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The real added costs of accessibility

January 17, 2022


Topics: Accessibility, Web Development.

For many years, I’ve seen repeated – and have myself repeated – the idea that an accessible website is not more expensive. That idea comes with a notable caveat. That caveat, to sum it up, is that it is not more accessible to build an accessible website from scratch than it is to build an inaccessible site from scratch. Building from scratch. When was the last time you built a website from scratch? What does it mean, in 2022, to […]

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Accessibility is Equality

I’ve long felt that accessibility is conceptually simple, and technically difficult. I’ve believed that if you can convey the fundamental concept of digital accessibility to somebody, everything else can be extrapolated from principles. That doesn’t mean that somebody would conform to accessibility guidelines at any level based on this. Reaching for accessibility by application of principles doesn’t necessarily yield the same result as what you’ll find in accessibility guidelines, but – in principle – should still encourage a sound interpretation […]

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Everybody should write a CMS

I’m not joking, although I’m sure that’s the first impression from this post’s title. But there’s a crucial caveat: everybody should write their own JavaScript framework or content management system; but very few should ever let their tool get used. There’s an enormous learning value in programming a large, complex system. You get a strong sense of accomplishment, while learning just how complicated it is to create a flexible theming system, menu structuring tool, and content editor – let alone […]

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I’m an accessibility consultant. Stop hiring me.

January 14, 2016


Topics: Accessibility, Web Development.

I call myself an accessibility consultant when I’m not building WordPress plug-ins. But in all reality, you should stop hiring accessibility consultants. The work is awful, and nobody wants to do it. Seriously – the work is awful. I mean that. Building accessible web sites and applications? That’s awesome. Training you and your team on what’s involved in creating an accessible resource? Also awesome. Creating tools that help you identify or fix accessibility issues? Really, seriously awesome. Diving into that […]

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