One of the most commonly requested pieces of functionality for My Calendar is the ability to manage registrations and ticketing for events. But adding that functionality as part of the calendar would make for an absurdly complex plug-in to offer a feature that not all users would actually need. So adding ticket handling to My Calendar was never really an option.

But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t an important feature to offer!

As of today, my new plug-in My Tickets is available for download; it’s on its way to the repository, but you can download it manually now. My Ticket isn’t just for My Calendar users — anybody can use this plug-in. It integrates with posts, Pages, or any custom post type – there’s no dependency on My Calendar at all.

If you’re using My Calendar, there are a couple of benefits – such as integration with My Calendar’s locations data, but the plug-in’s only real dependency is WordPress.

The documentation is available now, so you can go ahead and read about My Tickets at length, right now.

Check it out!