groundswell 1. A sudden gathering of force, as of public opinion: a groundswell of antiwar sentiment. 2. A broad deep undulation of the ocean, often caused by a distant storm or an earthquake. I think, of course, that definition number one is most applicable here. What I’m finding particularly interesting about the recent surge in public commentary on WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 is how late it is in coming. This eleventh hour response, coming just days before the […]
Continue reading “The Groundswell Surges Against WCAG 2” »Category: Reviews
Social Libraries
I own a fairly large number of books. In fact, I own enough books that about four years ago I decided it was worth my time to build a database containing my library which I could keep on my PC and on my PDA. This little catalog provided about a half-dozen fields which I could perform searches on or sort by date, category, author, or title. It’s a nice little thing – but kind of a pain to maintain. The […]
Continue reading “Social Libraries” »Mojeek Personal Search
A few weeks ago, I reviewed an early beta search engine called Mojeek. Well, Mojeek hasn’t gotten a huge amount of press, so that article pops up pretty easily in a search – and Marc, the creator, ran across that article and dropped me a line. In the conversation which ensued, he gave me access to a test account for his personal search – which I am now going to delve into in some depth. Personal search accounts are currently […]
Continue reading “Mojeek Personal Search” »When they say addictive, they aren’t kidding.
Thanks to my ever forward-looking colleague, Joe Dolson, I have "stumbled upon" StumbleUpon and PreFound, two relatively new, "human-based" browsing engines. What’s a browsing engine? As the name suggests, it is similar to a search engine, but differs in the fact that all listings reflect the experience and opinions of users just like you and me, as opposed to the almighty keyword. Although I have not engaged in a full-scale search, believers say that searching on one of these engines […]
Continue reading “When they say addictive, they aren’t kidding.” »